
Ali Keskin B.Sc., M.Sc.

Ali received B.Sc. degree in Computer Science from Middle East Technical University, in 1988 and M.Sc. degree in Computer Science from the University of Georgia, in 1990.

Ali worked as researcher and developer in the R&D division of the UniSQL, Inc. in the USA, where he designed many components of the advanced UniSQL/X database system, a unified Object-Oriented, relational database system.

Ali joined Koc-UNISYS A.S. in Ankara in 1994, where he participated in managing the whole software development life cycle of a Bank Branch Automation System, which is now in use in several large banks in Turkey.

Ali joined ITT World Directories (Gouden Gids BV) in 1997, where he participated in defining an overall application and data migration strategy from legacy systems to C/S based systems, and technically managed a large scale, successful data migration project.

Since 2000, Ali has been serving many big Directory and Telecommunication companies in the world by undertaking or participating in their projects or with outsourced software development. Among the companies for which services provided are De Telefoongids BV (Netherlands), De Gule Sider A/S (Denmark), Golden Pages (Ireland), Vision Consulting (Ireland), Truvo Technology BV (Netherlands) and VERIZON (USA and Latin America Group).

Ali published many papers in technical magazines. Click here for a list of his publications.
